A good general list of maize links.
An excellent article: How a Corn Plant Grows.
Not surprisingly, there is not much information on the Web about making chicha. I did however find some pictures and a recipe or two.
(Note: What links I can find keep disappearing on me. The following may or may not be in good shape.)
A recipe for Gallo en Chicha.
A picture of chicha de jora.
A little chicha drinking. Also a little chichamaking. Note the covered wirki in the backround.
Wow, nice kero!
Another kero.
Note that Alta Vista can translate these for you.
A chicha recipe.
Pineapple chicha.
Quechua lessons!
Culturas de los Andes. I'm very flattered to find The Chicha Page on their Links page. Their links page is one of the most comprehensive Andean resources on the web.
A bar named Chi-Cha that counts chicha de morada among their wares!
A little blurb about chicha from a "The Brewster's Tale - The History of Women in Brewing".
The background pattern used on this page is taken from a Mexican 10 peso note. This is a beautiful bill absolutely loaded with corn images.
The central image on the front of the bill consists of two hands clutching several ears of yellow corn. You can't tell from the big image, but the corn, the hands holding it, and Senor Zapata's hair are all embossed. Further, in the lower middle left and the lower right corner are stylized ears of pink corn.
The reverse contains, from left to right starting just above the mountain peak, more stylized ears of corn, corn stalks, what appears to me to be stylized corn silk, and then a different pattern of corn stalks just to the right of the horse (or is it something else such as sugar cane?) Note the industrial/agricultural theme. This scan is crooked due to the influence of homebrew.