Date: Tuesday, July 19, 1994 5:37:59 PM Author: Apple Computer, Inc. Subject: Verifier 1.0 Equipment: Macintosh Summary: The Verifier is an Apple internal localization verification tool. It is used to catch localization problems such as corrupted CODE resources, and mismatched resource attribute bits. It is very customized to Apple's internal needs, but it may serve as a good example on the types of things to look out for when you localize your software. Features: * Compares resources based on a user defined script file * Compares file/resource flags * Verifies vers resources * Reports missing resources between original/localized files Requires: MPW, any Mac w/13" minimum sized screen. Issues: Apple internal tool. Good example on what to look out for, though you may need to customize/rewrite for your own usage. Virus scan: Disinfectant 3.5 shows no viruses in this file