Date: Sunday, October 23, 1994 1:57:00 AM Author: Apple Computer, Inc. Subject: SpriteWorld 1.0b4 Equipment: Macintosh Summary: SpriteWorld is a sprite-based animation architecture for the Macintosh. SpriteWorld comes as a set of code libraries and interfaces that provide a simple, but deep programming interface for implementing smooth, fast, animation in your applications. In the interest of openness and learning, the full source code to the SpriteWorld libraries and sample applications is provided. SpriteWorld was designed for arcade game style animation in particular with full support for multi-frame, overlapping, animated sprites, and custom pixel-blitting routines. See the file "SpriteWorld Read Me" for details. Issues: The SpriteWorld package including the source code, documentation, and sample code is wholly owned and Copyright © 1991-94 by Tony Myles. Permission is hereby granted for anyone to create applications or other programs using the SpriteWorld code libraries free of charge, royalty, or restrictions of any kind pertaining to the distribution, sale of, or licensing of such works. You may not charge any fee for SpriteWorld itself other than the ordinary online, or distribution charges normally incurred for the distribution medium. The only thing I ask for in exchange for SpriteWorld, is a free copy (that is make me a fully paid, registered user) of any cool game that you write with SpriteWorld. Keywords: Animation, Games Virus scan: Disinfectant 3.5 shows no viruses in this fileš