Date: Tuesday, July 19, 1994 4:25:21 PM Author: Apple Computer, Inc. Subject: SCSI Tools 1.0.1 Equipment: Macintosh Summary: SCSI Tools is a small cdev that has two functions. One; it provides a status display of your SCSI bus with lights corresponding to the 8 (0-7) id's. (Note the Mac is always assigned number 7 so it's always on. ) The second function is that it can mount SCSI devices (usually hard disks) with the mount button (buttons have drop shadows). Handy when a hard disk has been dragged to the trash and unmounted. It will re-mount any disk that has been dragged to the trash; even non-SCSI disks. This only works on local volumes; so AppleShare volumes will not be mounted after being dragged to the trash. This package is 7.0 compatible Virus scan: Disinfectant 3.5 shows no viruses in this file