OpenDoc Development Framework Important Information ODF Release 3 This document contains overview information for using this CD. Table of Contents ------------------------- ¥ What's In This Release ¥ Contents of This CD ¥ Getting Started ¥ ODFDev ¥ Documentation ¥ Release Notes ¥ PartMaker ¥ Tools & Goodies ¥ ODF Sample Parts ¥ ODF Library 1.2 ¥ Developer University ¥ ODF-Interest archive ¥ Localization Tools ¥ Release Schedule ¥ Development State ¥ Where to Go From Here ¥ Developer Feedback ¥ How to Report Problems What's In This Release On this CD you will find the OpenDoc Development Framework (ODF) Release 3. This third release is mainly a maintenance release. ODF 3 is not cross-platform, it is still Mac-only. When we shipped ODF 2 in September, we scheduled ODF 3 for a January/February time frame. But the number of patches and the improvements we made in recent months made us decide to release an earlier version without waiting for the cross-platform support. It is, we think, important to provide you with a reference release containing all the changes you have seen us posting on the ODF-Interest list and the Web. We could have called it ODF 2.5 or ODF 2 Update 1 but it is, we think, less confusing to simply call it ODF 3. This release supports the following development environments for PowerPC: - Metrowerks CodeWarrior 10 - MrC for MPW This release supports the following build environments for 68K: - Symantec C++ for MPW - CodeWarrior 10 for 68K Please refer to the "Getting Started" folder for specific instructions on configuring your compiler for use with ODF. Contents of This CD Getting Started This folder contains the installation and build guides for setting up ODF and configuring your development environment. Updates & Patches Look into this folder for last minute updates and patches. ODFDev This folder contains the ODF development environment. Inside this folder you will find the source code for ODF and its samples, and you will also find the ODF build environment support. See the introduction of the ODF Developer's Guide for an overview of the ODF layer and subsystem organization. Documentation This folder contains the documentation for ODF. In addition to the folders listed below, this folder includes a document about how to use the search capabilities of Acrobat. - ODF Dev Guide: contains the ODF Developer's Guide which is provided as a searchable document that can be read using Adobe Acrobat Reader 2.1 (provided on this CD). - Class Reference: contains the ODF Class Reference which is provided as a QuickView navigable database and as an Adobe Acrobat document. Use the QuickView application provided in the same folder as the ODF Class Reference to navigate the reference. - Engineering Notes: contains information related to the ODF framework layer not covered in the ODF Dev Guides and Class Reference. These documents can be read using SimpleText. - Development Notes: contains information related to the ODF build system and sample parts. These documents can be read using SimpleText. Release Notes This folder contains the "What's New" document along with a list of fixed problems. This folder also contains information on how to convert an ODF 2-based part to ODF 3. PartMaker Contains the PartMaker Pro application and templates for creating new ODF projects. Tools & Goodies This folder contains a collection of tools and goodies: - Object Masterª: contains a project file stationery that is set up for parsing ODF source code with ObjectMasterª. - MacBrowse: contains the MacBrowse application and the MacParse AppleScript and tool. - More Samples: constains so unsupported samples. IntlTest: contains a part-in-progress that was written to test various international aspects of ODF. ODFx: a work-in-progress that showcases FW_CPicture, FW_CBitMap, and FW_CColor. - More View Resources: this folder contains examples of more View Resource types. ODF Sample Parts The contents of this folder are targeted at people who simply want to try out the ODF sample parts. This folder contains the whole suite of ODF sample parts (release build, for both 68K and PowerPC). Please note: these part editors were written to demonstrate ODF. They were not written with the intention of becoming commercial part editors. This folder contains: - Editors (68K): 68K versions of the ODF sample parts (release build). Copy these files to your Editors folder if you are using a 68K Macintosh. - Editors (PPC): PowerPC versions of the ODF sample parts (release build). Copy these files to your Editors folder if you are using a Power Macintosh. - Stationery: contains stationery files for the ODF sample parts. Copy these files to your Stationery folder. - Documents: contains an interesting document and an AppleScript to showcase scripting in the ODFDraw Part. ODFLibrary 1.2 This folder contains the ODFLibrary version 1.2. This is a fat, release build of the library (both 68K and PowerPC). This is the library you MUST ship with your ODF based part editors. Don't forget to carefully read the License Agreement documents. Install the ODFLibrary along with your part editors into the 'Editors' folder. If an ODFLibrary is already present, make sure to check the version number. Do not install an older version over a more recent one. The correct ODFLibrary will maintain release to release binary compatibility so you can be sure that your part editor will always work with the most recent version. Developer University This folder contains the sample parts and code from the Creating OpenDoc Parts class taught by Apple's Developer University. ODF-Interest archive This folder contains the full ODF-Interest archive from March 1996 to November 1996. You can use the Hypercard stack provided in the same folder to search through all the messages. Localization Tools This folder contains some early tools to aid in localizing ODF parts. Release Schedule We plan to ship three releases of ODF each year. Each release will include incremental improvements, feature additions, and bug fixes while maintaining release-to-release binary compatibility. We will communicate our plans and release dates for each upcoming release through the ODF-Interest Internet mailing list. Developer feedback will help us prioritize our efforts to best serve your needs. We encourage you to voice your opinions, needs, & desires to the ODF-Interest list. See the Developer Feedback section below for information on how to subscribe to ODF-Interest. Where to Go From Here If you want to play with the ODF part editors, copy the appropriate part editors and stationery files from the 'ODF Sample Parts' folder to your system, as described earlier. You must also copy the ODFLibrary to your Editors folder since the ODF sample parts need this shared library to run. If you want to begin building ODF parts right away, begin by installing ODF on your system. Go to the 'Getting Started' folder and follow the instructions in theInstallation Guide and theBuild Guide for your development system. If you want information about recent changes to ODF, look in the Release Notes folder. If you want to learn more about how ODF works, begin reading theODF Developer's Guide. This book contains tutorial and programmer information to help you solve your problems and to give you an understanding of how ODF interacts with OpenDoc. The ODF Developer's Guide is located in the 'Documentation' folder. Check our web site at '' for the most up-to-date documentation. If you need class or method information, consult the ODF Class Reference.. This book is provided as both an Adobe Acrobat file and a QuickView database to make navigating through the classes and methods easier. The ODF Class Reference is located in the 'Documentation' folder. Developer Feedback We appreciate any input you have regarding ODF and how it should evolve to meet your needs. A list server has been set up to handle discussions pertaining to ODF. To get added to the list, send a message to '' and include the following in the body of your message: SUBSCRIBE ODF-INTEREST Your Name Messages can be posted to the ODF-Interest list by sending mail to ''. You can also get the latest information about ODF by visiting the ODF web site at '' How to Report Problems Please send bugs or comments to the ODF list server ÒODF-Interest@cilabs.orgÓ. The following are suggested fields for inclusion: Release Version ODF Release 3 Contact Information: Company: Person: Phone Number: E- Mail: Severity: Blocking futher development: Needs fixing: Has work around: Cosmetic: Configuration: Machine type: Operating System: Operating System Version: Compiler: Compiler Version: Problem Description (as long as necessary): © 1993 - 1996 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. Apple, the Apple Logo, Macintosh, and OpenDoc are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the United States and other countries.