______________________________________________ ABOUT THIS SERVER The developer area of this ftp site contains content provided by Apple for Apple developers. Please read the Apple License Agreement before proceeding. Many of the documents are provided in Adobe Acrobat format. _______________________________________________ WORLD-WIDE WEB If you have a World-Wide Web browser, please visit our web site at out our pages. They can be found at: http://developer.apple.com/programs/ ______________________________________________ DEVELOPER CD All of the content found on this server (and more) can be found on the Developer CD Series. This CD Series, delivered monthly, is available from the Apple Developer Connection. For more information on ADC programs and products, visit our web site at http://developer.apple.com/programs/ ______________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS Development Kits Games Interactive Media Resources Java MacOSX Newton Development Periodicals Rhapsody Sample Code - Complete sample code and sample applications. Technical Documentation Macintosh Technical Notes - Errata and addenda for Inside Macintosh. Macintosh Developer Notes - Detailed hardware and software information. Technology Overviews - OpenDoc, PowerPC, and more. Apple Events Registry & Suites - Apple Events information. Human Interface - Human Interface documents. Peripherals Documentation ABS Technical Notes - AUX, AppleSearch, ARA, and more. Miscellaneous Standards - Binhex, MacBinary, Multimedia. Publication Guides - Guides to production documentation. Technical Publications - in-depth, bookl ength documentation such as Inside Macintosh Tool Chest - Tools and examples Utilities - General applications you may need rhapdropbox ______________________________________________ Feedback can be provided to devfeedback@apple.com For information on Apple's Developer Connection programs, please contact us at devprograms@apple.com. © 1998, Apple Computer, Inc. Rev 11/3/98