Multiple Users Compatibility Testing
Some application software may not be fully compatible
with the new Multiple User technology introduced with
Apple's System Software version 9.0. The steps below are
provided to help you determine if your application is fully
compatible with this feature.
Step 0: read the
It is important that you first become familiar with the
details. Be sure to read the Multiple Users Guide
(SimpleText document) and technote 1186 (Acrobat
Reader document, "Technote 1186 - How To Be a Good Multiple
Users Citizen"). Then do a clean install of the latest
version of Mac OS 9 and enter the appropriate data at the
first run of Mac OS Setup Assistant, that is, your name and
password. The clean install helps to eliminate or minimize
other potential problem sources.
Step 1: running on Mac OS 9
without Multiple Users
Test your application running under Mac OS 9 without
activating Multiple Users (the Multiple User Accounts should
be set to "off" in the control panel, this is the default
setting). Once you have qualified your application on Mac OS
9, you can proceed to the next step.
Step 2: running on Mac OS 9 as the
Turn on the Multiple User Accounts using the Multiple
Users control panel. You will notice the "on" and "off"
radio buttons found at the bottom of the control panel.
Assuming you entered your name and password as part of the
Mac OS setup you should have one user account defined as
owner. Test your application with this configuration, and
once you qualified it, proceed to the next step.
Note: Running your
application as the owner and running your application when
Multiple Users is not running is not the same thing. Refer
to Technote 1186 for more details.
Step 3: running on Mac OS 9 as a
restricted user
You should test your application to ensure that it
operates correctly when a user is logged in as a restricted
user. There are three different types of restricted user
accounts that can be created; hence, for this stage of
testing you should create one of each type: a Normal
account, a Limited account, and a Panels account. Once you
have created these accounts, you should log in and test your
application with each account type to ensure it works
correctly. Once you have completed the testing of your
application in each type of account, you can move on to step
Note: When you log in
as a user (as opposed to the owner), it may take a few
minutes before you can actually start working with the
computer. Please be patient.
In addition of having a user account of each type, you
might also want to modify their access privileges (See setup
details in the User editing dialog) and test your
application under these different privilege configurations.
Once you qualify your application against all the
configurations, proceed to the next step.
Some application functions are more likely to be affected
when running with Multiple User Accounts, this includes but
may not be limited to:
- Reading your preferences files, you have to use
FindFolder correctly in order to find them,
- Writing your preferences files, you may not have
write access even if you have read access,
- Opening or saving files without using the Standard
File Package or the Navigation Services.
If your application performs any functions related to the
above it would be important to specifically test these kinds
of functions.
Step 4: regression
If you have made any modifications to your application in
order for it to perform successfully during any of the
testing carried out in steps one, two, or three, then repeat
steps one through three until no more changes are required.
The final and necessary test is to turn Multiple Users off
or, even better, "remove" it through the Extensions Manager
control panel and test your application again.
Important: These
steps are intended to be a general guide for testing your
software for compatibility with Multiple Users. You are
responsible for the complete and thorough testing of your
application. The above procedures should help you identify
common Multiple User compatibility issues in your software.
These procedures may not identify all rare or unforeseen
incompatibilities that could exist.
If you encounter unexpected
behaviors or errors during testing:
The documentation can help determine possible causes and
actions. Be sure to refer to the technical documentation,
starting with the Technote 1186.