File System Manager Summary: The File System Manager provides a systematic way for one or more foreign file systems to interact with the Macintosh file system using high-level language interface. Features: € File System Manager -- A system extension which implements version 1.2 of FSM and the extended Disk Initialization Package. This extension is compatible with System 7.0 and later. € FSMGlueLib.o -- The glue code for the File System Manager service routines. € FSM.h. FSM.p and FSM.a -- The Universal Interface files for the File System Manager. This version of the interface files was built to work with the Universal Interfaces 2.0a1 from ETO #15, MPW prerelease. However, for 68K development, FSM.h works perfectly with the current release of Universal Interfaces on ETO #15. € Guide - File System Manager -- The documentation for the File System Manager in Apple DocViewer format. Requires: System 7.0 or later Issues: The File System Manager extension may be licensed for distribution from Apple Software Licensing.