What's new in AEGizmos 1.4.1: * The ANSI library support for the utilities in CodeWarrior 6 is different than in earlier versions. This causes code compiled by an earlier version of CW and linked with the new ANSI library to break. This was affecting the string parsing in AEBuild. The libraries are now built with CW6. If you need CW5 libraries, get version 1.4 (on the May '95 developer CD and on at least one 'develop' CD) or write me. * The Copland team now say that the 7.0 Apple Event data structures will continue to be supported, which negates the compatibility warning I had in version 1.4. It also means the preferred solution for PPC is now to statically link the library into your code as in 68k. I've therefore removed the shared library and replaced it with a CodeWarrior static library. I'll be adding libraries for MRC/PPCC and Symantec C++ 8.0 (Rainbow) when I have a chance to figure out how to do it. What's new in AEGizmos 1.4: In General: * Documentation is in Common Ground format (viewer app included.) * CodeWarrior libs (and PPC shared lib) built with CodeWarrior5.5 including global optimization. * Cleaned up the header files a bit (added necessary ³extern "C"² blocks, made ³#pragma once² appear for all compilers, removed 'ckid' resources.) AEBuild: * Fixed problems parsing non-ascii characters (notably Œ«¹) in the CodeWarrior version of the library. * Œbool¹ descriptors are built properly (one byte, not two.) AEPrint: * Fixed a bug that was changing the type of list descriptors to Œaevt¹. * Fixed quoting problems on 4-char codes that could cause the output to be unparseable by AEBuild. AESubDescriptors: * By popular demand, sub-descriptors can now be used on complete Apple events! An Apple event works like a record, where the items are the event¹s parameters. * AESubDescToDesc now properly copies the entire descriptor when the type is typeWildCard and the sub-descriptor is the same as the whole AEDesc. * Added AECopySubDescData at Dave Shaver's suggestion: it¹s like AEGetSubDescData but copies the data rather than just pointing to it.